NTC Children’s Workshops

(In Serbian Language)
The most important period in the development of brain and cognitive skills occurs by the age of twelve and especially in the first several years. That shows how crucial the role and responsibility of parents are in enabling children to reach their potential. The most precious period is actually the time before starting school, because that is when the brain development is at its peak. Its importance has been confirmed by many studies clearly showing that the time and effort we invest in child’s education at early age has a far greater impact than at a later age.

The NTC workshops for children have been developed by the author of the programme “NTC Learning System”. The author is Dr. Ranko Rajović, a long standing member of the Gifted Children Committee of Mensa International and a UNICEF collaborator for early education. The co-author is Uroš Petrović, a writer, author of 12 children and youth literature books. The workshops are conducted by certified lecturers (teachers, expert associates).

They are held throughout the school year, once a week, 32 workshops in a year, with holiday breaks. Each mini 3, mini 4 and white group workshop lasts 60 minutes, and 90 minutes for the other groups.

Workshops Objectives

  • raising the level of intellectual capacities 
  • encouraging deep attention and concentration 
  • developing movement coordination and motor skills 
  • sharpening observation skills and developing thinking skills 
  • training the ability to connect information and draw conclusions (functional knowledge) 
  • gaining self-confidence and independence 
  • encouraging communication and creativity 
  • empowering team spirit and cooperativeness
NTC workshops - Overall child development

Child Age Groups

Mini 3 - 1.3.2019. - 29.2.2020.

When working with children up to seven years, the focus is on the first two programme phases – Stimulating the development of neural connections and pathways and Stimulating the development of thought processes. Therefore, through a number of activities involving polygons and motion games, the Mini 3 group attendees have the opportunity to practice: 

  • movement coordination, 
  • fine motor skills, 
  • eye-hand coordination, 
  • reflexes, 
  • auditory attention, 
  • movement precision, 
  • memory, and 
  • graphomotor skills. 

Through play and team work, children get acquainted with symbols, traditional music and features of various states, learn about the basic spatial relationships, big and small, part to whole relations, body parts, plant and animal life, taste classifications, properties of water... Children acquire the concepts through basic NTC techniques, with constant incentive to make connections with previously obtained information through the processes of thought classification, seriation and associations so as to develop their functional thinking. 

Mini 4 - 1.3.2018. - 28.2.2019.

When working with children up to seven years, the focus is on the first two programme phases – Stimulating the development of neural connections and pathways and Stimulating the development of thought processes. Therefore, through a number of activities involving polygons and motion games, the Mini 4 group attendees have the opportunity to practice: 

  • movement coordination, 
  • fine and gross motor skills, 
  • eye-hand coordination, 
  • reflexes, 
  • auditory attention, 
  • movement precision, 
  • memory, and 
  • graphomotor skills. 

Through play and team work, children get acquainted with the concept of numbers and number sequence, learn about the concept of set and basic geometric shapes, participate in speech exercises, measure the dimensions of different objects, learn how to identify syllables and analyse and synthesise words. Moreover, the children get acquainted with symbols, traditional music and features of various states, learn about the basic spatial relationships, big and small, part to whole relations, body parts, plant and animal life, taste classifications, properties of water... Children acquire the concepts through basic NTC techniques, with constant incentive to make connections with previously obtained information through the processes of thought classification, seriation and associations so as to develop their functional thinking. 

White - 1.3.2017. - 28.2.2018.

When working with children up to seven years, the focus is on the first two programme phases – Stimulating the development of neural connections and pathways and Stimulating the development of thought processes. Therefore, through a number of activities involving polygons and motion games, the Mini 4 group attendees have the opportunity to practice: 

  • movement coordination, 
  • fine and gross motor skills, 
  • eye-hand coordination, 
  • reflexes, 
  • auditory attention, 
  • movement precision, 
  • memory, and 
  • graphomotor skills. 

Through play and team work, children get acquainted with the concept of numbers and number sequence, learn about the concept of set and basic geometric shapes, participate in speech exercises, measure the dimensions of different objects, learn how to identify syllables and analyse and synthesise words. Moreover, the children get acquainted with symbols, traditional music and features of various states, learn about the basic spatial relationships, big and small, part to whole relations, body parts, plant and animal life, taste classifications, properties of water... Children acquire the concepts through basic NTC techniques, with constant incentive to make connections with previously obtained information through the processes of thought classification, seriation and associations so as to develop their functional thinking. 

Yellow - 1.3.2016. - 28.2.2017.

When working with children up to seven years, the focus is on the first two programme phases – Stimulating the development of neural connections and pathways and Stimulating the development of thought processes. Therefore, through a number of activities involving polygons and motion games, the Yellow group attendees have the opportunity to practice: 

  • movement coordination, 
  • fine motor skills, 
  • eye-hand coordination, 
  • reflexes, 
  • auditory attention, 
  • movement precision, 
  • memory, and 
  • graphomotor skills. 

Through play and team work, children learn proverbs and sayings, fairy tales from around the world, tongue twisters, world map, states, their symbols, capitals, traditional music, musical instruments and distinctive features of the states; they get to find out more about the Solar system and planets that comprise it, their homeland cities, the meaning of traffic signs, famous inventors and their inventions, characteristics of the seasons, famous composers and their most famous compositions, institutions that exist in the cities and various occupations. Children learn all of the above by utilising the NTC techniques, casually and in an unobtrusive way, and the adopted information is later used, through riddles, mathematical-logical tasks and activities, to boost and develop children’s functional thinking. 

Orange - 1.3.2015. - 29.2.2016.

When working with children over seven years, the focus is on the third phase of the programme, i.e. on stimulating the development of functional thinking. Thus, when working with the Orange group, we practice: 

  • illogical stories, 
  • pictorial-associative images, 
  • hiding words in a sentence, 
  • NTC riddles, 
  • NTC codes, 
  • NTC rebuses, 
  • parallel associations, 
  • thought classifications and seriations, 
  • convergent and divergent thinking, 
  • making connections and reasoning. 

Through play and team work, children learn about the countries of the world, their flags, symbols, alphabets and the principle of word formation, mythical creatures, materials and various shapes. They learn more about the relations between a set and its elements, spatial orientation, the relationships between numbers (bigger/smaller, even/odd, predecessor/follower), types of time prepositions, how to write postcards, what the food chain looks like and much more. Apart from learning many new and interesting things, the children are encouraged to apply the NTC techniques and independently create their own examples with the aim of training them to apply the same techniques on a daily basis, when studying for school. On top of that, each workshop includes an NTC fast brain games segment –  movement games that build a connection between movement and thought, and a segment of NTC social games designed to facilitate children's’ intellectual development. 

Red - 1.3.2014. - 28.2.2015.

When working with children over seven years, the focus is on the third phase of the programme, i.e. on stimulating the development of functional thinking. Thus, when working with the Orange group, we practice: 

  • illogical stories, 
  • pictorial-associative representations, 
  • hiding words in a sentence, 
  • NTC riddles, 
  • NTC codes, 
  • NTC rebuses, 
  • parallel associations, 
  • thought classifications and seriations, 
  • convergent and divergent thinking, 
  • making connections and reasoning. 

Through play and team work, children learn about the countries of the world, their flags, symbols, currencies and capital cities, the classification of speech sounds into vowels and consonants, natural habitats and their inhabitants, characteristics of villages and cities, the concept of set and intersection of sets, punctuation marks, letters and the principle of word formation. They learn more about the celestial bodies, how to write Roman numerals, which colours are primary and which secondary and how to obtain them, the types of words and their opposites, the four seasons and their characteristics, and much more. Apart from learning many new and interesting things, the children are encouraged to apply the NTC techniques and independently create their own examples with the aim of training them to apply the same techniques on a daily basis, when studying for school. On top of that, each workshop includes an NTC fast brain games segment –  movement games  that build a connection between movement and thought, and a segment of NTC social games designed to facilitate children's’ intellectual development, including a game that teaches them the basics of chess. 

Blue - 1.3.2013. - 28.2.2014.

When working with children over seven years, the focus is on the third phase of the programme, i.e. on stimulating the development of functional thinking. Thus, when working with the Orange group, we practice: 

  • illogical stories, 
  • pictorial-associative representations, 
  • hiding words in a sentence, 
  • NTC riddles, 
  • NTC codes, 
  • NTC rebuses, 
  • parallel associations, 
  • thought classifications and seriations, 
  • convergent and divergent thinking, 
  • making connections and reasoning. 

Through play and team work, children learn about the countries of the world, their flags, symbols, about the musical notation, time sequence and the relationship between the past, present and future. They learn more about angles and types of angles, geometric shapes and how to determine their volume, about production and non-production activities, the different types of lines and their relationships, superlatives and diminutives, the water cycle, different materials and products made of them, how to read and write Roman numerals, about the types of words in our language and many other interesting and useful stuff.  Apart from learning many new things, the children are encouraged to apply the NTC techniques and independently create their own examples with the aim of training them to apply the same techniques on a daily basis, when studying for school. During the workshops, the children work on certain definitions or lesson parts with the help of the lecturer. On top of that, each workshop includes an NTC fast brain games segment –  movement games that build a connection between movement and thought, and a segment of NTC social games designed to facilitate children's’ intellectual development, including one that helps them learn the multiplication table, and a game that teaches them the basics of chess. 

Green - 1.3.2012. - 28.2.2013.

When working with children over seven years, the focus is on the third phase of the programme, i.e. on stimulating the development of functional thinking. Thus, when working with the Orange group, we practice: 

  • illogical stories, 
  • pictorial-associative representations,
  • hiding words in a sentence, 
  • NTC riddles, 
  • NTC codes, 
  • NTC rebuses, 
  • parallel associations, 
  • thought classifications and seriations, 
  • convergent and divergent thinking, 
  • making connections and reasoning. 

Through play and team work, children learn about the countries of the world, their flags, symbols, about the different types of words and their roles in the construction of sentences. They learn more about the cities, water bodies and history of their country, about famous artworks and their creators, basic geography terms, divisibility of numbers, different materials and products made of them, as well as about many other interesting and useful stuff. Apart from learning many new things, the children are encouraged to apply the NTC techniques and independently create their own examples with the aim of training them to apply the same techniques on a daily basis, when studying for school. During the workshops, the children work on certain definitions or lesson parts with the help of the lecturer. On top of that, each workshop includes an NTC fast brain games segment –  movement games that build a connection between movement and thought. Moreover, at each workshop, the children play NTC board games designed to facilitate their intellectual development, including one that helps them learn the multiplication table, a game that teaches them the basics of chess and a game for learning basic chemical elements and compounds. 

Science - 1.3.2010. - 29.2.2012.

When working with children over seven years, the focus is on the third phase of the programme, i.e. on stimulating the development of functional thinking. Thus, when working with the Science group, we practice: 

  • illogical stories, 
  • pictorial-associative representations, 
  • hiding words in a sentence, 
  • NTC riddles, 
  • NTC codes, 
  • NTC rebuses, 
  • parallel associations, 
  • thought classifications and seriations, 
  • convergent and divergent thinking, 
  • making connections and reasoning. 

Through play and team work, children get acquainted with the basic chemistry, physics and biology concepts, thus learning about atoms and molecules, chemical elements and compounds, fundamental physical quantities, systematisation of living organisms, etc. They learn what hydrocarbons are and what they are called, what the processes of nuclear fusion and fission are, get acquainted with the devices used to measure different physical quantities and learn many other interesting and useful scientific facts. Apart from learning many new things, the children are encouraged to apply the NTC techniques and independently create their own examples with the aim of training them to apply the same techniques on a daily basis, when studying for school. During the workshops, the children work on certain definitions or lesson parts with the help of the lecturer. On top of all of the above mentioned, each workshop includes a session of NTC experiments. The experiments are performed by the children, with the lecturer’s assistance, and each of them include a line a questions aimed at encouraging the children to think about natural phenomena and draw conclusions by making connections with previously acquired knowledge in natural sciences. Moreover, at each workshop, the children play NTC board games designed to facilitate their intellectual development, including one that helps them learn the basic chemical elements, principles of their bonding and creating various compounds. 

Prices and Discounts

The discount is intended for families registering multiple children. For more details, select your city at the bottom of this page.

NTC Programme Phases

  1. Stimulating the development of neural connections and pathways

This phase emphasises the importance of developing motor and graphomotor skills that facilitate children’s physical and intellectual development. Through a series of activities, children find the best solutions for overcoming obstacles and develop both coordination and a sense of space. In our school system, games such as rotation, jumping and graphomotorics are unfairly neglected to the detriment of children and their overall development. Through the NTC System, Dr. Rajović is offering simple, yet effective and above all – useful graphomotoric exercises that stimulate the child's physical and, according to the latest research, also mental development.  

  1. Stimulating the development of thought processes

The second phase entails several levels, from recognising abstract concepts to making connections between them and skilful use of abstract classification, seriation and associations. Most children spontaneously recognise abstract symbols, but eventually lose the interest, because parents do not know how to take them to a higher level, which is extremely stimulating for the development of thought processes. It is the NTC's learning system that finds transitions to more complex forms of 
abstract classification and seriation, which is the basis for the development of mathematical/logical intelligence. 

  1. Stimulating the development of functional thinking 

The development of functional thinking is imperative for keeping up with the educational 
system of the developed countries. NTC encourages the development of functional thinking with the help of confusing questions and stories that children are happy to find the right answer to. 

Internal part of the website

If your child is attending an NTC workshop in any of the active NTC Centres, you may access the internal part of the NTC website and view the material available to attendees only. 

Sign up

List of Workshops

The NTC workshops are held in the following cities – for details and contact information of the local coordinator, click on the corresponding city.



Bosnia and Hercegovina



More information on ntchrvatska.com


More information on ntcslovenija.com
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