NTC professional seminar (for preschool, primary class teachers and school support staff)
The seminar lasts two days (8 x 45 minutes) and is held in Serbian, after which you have 3-month access to online consultations during which you can send examples of programme application and we provide suggestions and new examples.
The seminar is accredited by the Ministry. Listed in the Catalogue of continuous professional development programmes for primary schools under number: 635 Listed in the Catalogue of continuous professional development programmes for preschools under number: 834
The third part of the seminar (practical examples of the programme and additional workshops) is designed for schools and kindergartens who want additional education). The session is held by one of the members of the NTC expert team (4 x 45 minutes) You can sign up for the seminar individually or as an institution. In case of multiple applications from the same institution, the seminar will be held at your premisses.
The ultimate goal of the NTC programme is to foster the development of the learning potential of preschool and school children through specific activities based on cutting edge neurophysiological and psychological findings showing that the brain develops intensively approximately until the age of 5–7, which is precisely the reason why during that sensitive period children should be systematically encouraged to engage in those activities that have been shown to contribute to brain development.
Due to its neurophysiological basis, the program complements the developmental-psychological starting point of the kindergarten and primary school curriculum while enriching it with proposals for specific goal-oriented games for motor and thinking skills. The games have been designed to provide a meaningful connection with child’s daily experience and to easily fit into various kindergarten and school activities.
The programme is intended for the entire population of preschool and school children, at the level that recognises their peculiarities and boosts their abilities. Although the programme implementation enables teachers to identify a child’s strengths early, there is no danger of elitism as is the case in some specialised gifted programmes. The programme's methods provide a good basis for individualisation.
The programme is aimed at developing the following professional competencies of teachers: • recognition, nurturing and boosting children's learning potential, their psychomotor, intellectual, creative and practical abilities, and the development of their motivation for learning, self-image and social behaviour • creative thinking and problem solving based on knowledge in the field of composing puzzling questions and higher-order thinking questions, as well as preparing game activities.
If your institution is interested in hosting the seminar or if you have any questions, please let us know and we will be happy to answer. Contact us at seminari@ntcucenje.com. If you wish to be informed about the next seminar in your city.
The Catalogue number of the seminar: 182, 16 hours, C2 P1
General objectives: Raising the competence of teachers in understanding the relevance of musical stimulation at a young age and fostering children's musical development; Training for the use of innovative and stimulating methods based on the NTC learning system in teaching music.
Specific objectives: Acquainting teachers with research on the relation between the importance of musical stimulation at an early age and the development of intelligence; The importance of the development of fine and gross motor skills through play, movement and dance; Establishing a connection between the NTC learning system and the informal learning through musical games; Mastering specific ways of providing musical education through the NTC system; Establishing functional connection between the teaching content and examples from the music world; Training the participants for providing individualised teaching content appropriate for children of different ages and abilities; Rapid and permanent acquisition of abstract concepts using music as a tool; Using associative learning techniques and developing functional thinking through music.
Programme themes: Early musical stimulation; Development of fine motor skills – from pincer grasp to graphomotor skills; Development of gross motor skills along with the development of rhythm; Active listening of hymns and national songs; Providing musical education through the NTC system of learning; Musical games as a learning aid; Movement, dance, folklore; Early stimulation and its importance for proper child development; Neurophysiology of learning.