NTC Club Dedinje


Children can come to the NTC club every day from Monday to Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. The activity schedule is designed to be a mix of directed NTC activities and free play. Such a combination fosters the overall child's psychophysical development. 

On workdays after 5 p.m., we hold NTC workshops, NTC drama workshops and NTC ballet classes. More information can be found at the bottom of this page.


The author of the NTC Programme Dr Ranko Rajović with associates designed the programme that is implemented in 17 European countries and in the NTC Clubs. Play as child’s intrinsic motivation jis a key factor of the NTC programme. 

The NTC Learning System is an innovative method that fosters the overall (emotional, motor and cognitive) child’s development using the latest findings and models of neuro-educational science, and that is what makes it unique. The author of the NTC programme, Ranko Rajović, is a longstanding lecturer and the head of the Department of Educational Neuroscience at the Faculty of Education in Koper. Dr Rajović often emphasises the importance of reducing screen time and letting children be bored sometimes, because boredom is the driver of imagination. He also advises on how to design activities for children and stimulate their development through play.

The environment is ever-changing, habits change and all this affects our children’s abilities and opportunities, so we need to adjust the content and approach of education in order to maximally encourage children’s development and activate their potential. Schools of the future should provide solutions for the challenges. The NTC club arose out of a need to maintain continuity in working with children according to the NTC methodology, but also as a forerunner of a future school. We used to have workshops that were held once a week and camps that were organised only during the summer, and now we are able to offer a programme that children can attend every day, throughout the year.


NTC activities held at the NTC club daily:

  • NTC techniques (codes, illogical stories, hiding words, associative expression of songs/lessons)
  • NTC competitive and social games
  • NTC training grounds and movement games
  • NTC handicraft, music and drama workshops
  • Methods of foreign language learning through rhymes, songs and acting
  • NTC science workshops

The above mentioned activities foster:

  • development of intellectual skills and cognitive processes
  • development of concentration
  • development of children’s motor and thinking skills
  • development of imagination and creativity
  • fine motor skills
  • development of deep attention
  • helping each other, empathy and team spirit
  • communication, play, socialisation
  • positive emotions, empathy


Free play, integrated into daily activities, helps children develop various skills they will need in life, from making friends and negotiation to problem-solving, creative thinking and practising self-control. Play is the most reliable form of self-education and discovery of new things. It provides them with a safe environment for trying out new life skills and ways of being. Through the open exploring and "testing" of play, children become aware that taking action really is what it takes in life to reach a desired goal.

To find out more on the subject, read “Children’s clock ticks differently”.


The children with monthly membership for the entire school year are tested twice a year, in order to keep track of their progress and inform their parents about it. Our objective is to take care of the overall child development, together with the parents.

Children who attend sporadically are not tested.

The reports are strictly confidential and protected by a statement signed by both parties. They contain research results, an indication of stagnation or progress in development and most importantly – suggestions and advice for parents, in case they need to pay attention to a certain segment.


We focus on the whole child and their health and nutrition is a very important part of that. To ensure the highest quality, catering including snacks and dinner is provided. All meals are prepared from healthy, fresh ingredients, without additives, sweeteners and preservatives and with an optimal ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 
In addition to the above-mentioned, we also serve fruit snacks. For children with allergies we prepare a customised menu.
Menu: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1KqYAn_5aFlxz4E42tp8pqSburvQWEdVT


Example schedule for a Junior and Preschool group day:

8.00 - 9.30Arrival
9.30 - 11.00Social games and additional activity
11.00 - 13.00Fruit snack and time in the yard
13.00 - 13.30Lunch
13.30 - 14.00Rest, free play
14.00 - 15.00NTC Workshop
15.00 - 16.00Snack, reading stories, social games and free play
16.00 - 17.00Picking the children up
Additional activities: drama workshop, dancing, English, handicraft, science workshops

Example schedule for a Micro and Mini group day:

Micro and Mini group
8.00 - 9.30Arrival
9.30 - 10.30NTC Workshop
10.30 - 11.30Time in the yard
11.30 - 12.00Fruit snack (may be in the yard)
12.00 - 14.00Nap – for those who take naps, other activities for those who don’t
14.00 - 14.30Lunch
14.30 - 15.00Rest, free play
15.00 - 16.00Reading stories, social games and free play, snack
16.00 - 17.00Picking the children up




MICRO group, March 2019 – Feb 2020

MINI group, March 2018 – Feb 2019

JUNIOR group, March 2017 – Feb 2018

PRESCHOOL group, March 2016 – Feb 2017

Membership type:

  1. MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP FEE – MICRO/MINI/JUNIOR/PRESCHOOLER CLUB (age: March 2016 – February 2020)                                                                                                                        

All-day stay from Monday to Friday between 08:00 a.m. and 05:00 p.m. includes:

Main activities:

  • Work in groups according to the NTC programme (limited number of participants)
  • Use of written NTC programme work material
  • Meals (2 snacks and lunch)

Additional activities:

  • Testing, monitoring the child's progress and discussions with parents (twice during the school year)                                                                                                          
  • Parents’ meetings (in which Dr Ranko Rajović also occasionally participates)
  • The parents get 50% discount on online and 30% discount on in-person seminars by Dr Ranko Rajović.


  1. OCCASIONAL VISITS – NTC DAY (age: March 2016 – February 2018)

One NTC day on workdays, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The activities include:

  • Work in groups according to the NTC programme
  • Use of written NTC programme work material
  • Meals (2 snacks and lunch)


  • You need to make a schedule of attendance (with dates) for the entire month and email it two weeks before the beginning of the following month.
  • Based on the schedule, you will receive instructions for payment to be made in advance.
  • Purchased NTC days must be used within the following month, with the exception of absence for medical reasons.
  • For the first visit, it is possible to make an appointment a few days earlier, so that we can make an assessment of whether this way of working suits the child.
  1. Full-day NTC workshops for Junior and Preschooler groups

NTC PRESCHOOLER (age: March 2016 – February 2017) – Monday and Tuesday

NTC Junior (age: March 2017 – February 2018) – Wednesday

Full-day workshops (08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.), once a week 

The cycle includes 16 full-day workshops, held once a week, on a weekday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Daily schedule includes:

  • Work in groups according to the NTC programme
  • Use of written NTC programme work material
  • Meals (2 snacks and lunch)

There are three groups and each group is attending on a specific day. Mondays and Tuesdays are for preschoolers, and Wednesdays for the Junior group. The day you choose will be the day on which your child will attend during the entire cycle. You may switch days twice during a cycle. If you need to switch the day, please notify us of absence in advance.

Daily schedule, schedule of all workshop dates and price list:


Gallery with photos of activities and parents’ impressions:


To sign up for the NTC Preschooler Programme, please visit this link:



  1. A word by the author, Dr Ranko Rajović



  1. How is the NTC Programme implemented in schools?

Teacher Slavica Bobić



  1. An example of how the programme is used to learn a lesson or a part of a lesson



  1. Vuk Rajović, with some comments by Viktor Savić and Minja Subota.

TV show "Knowledge Studio", RTS 1


What are illogical stories and why are they important?

How to easily learn the capital of a country?
How to memorise a number of random terms that can be used for processing learning material (lesson key words, lists, etc.)?
How to learn all non-metals with ease (7th grade chemistry lesson)?



WORKSHOPS CYCLE from September to June (on workdays after 5 p.m. and on weekends)

  1. NTC Workshops

All those wishing to attend the NTC workshops outside the regular working hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) may do so after hours on workdays, or on weekends. The NTC Centre Belgrade organises such workshops in several locations in Belgrade, and the NTC Club is one of them. The workshops are intended for children aged 3 to 12 years. Children who opt for a specific timing come once a week, throughout the school semester, and work for 60 or 90 minutes (depending on the age) according to the programme designed for their group.

Read more: https://ntcucenje.com/radionica/beograd/

  1. NTC Drama Workshops

All those wishing to attend the NTC workshops outside the regular working hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) may do so after hours on workdays, or on weekends. Among other activities, we offer drama workshops. The NTC Centre Belgrade organises this activity in several locations in Belgrade, and the NTC Club is one of them. Children who opt for a specific timing come once a week, throughout the school semester, and work for 60 or 90 minutes (depending on the age) according to the programme designed for their group.

Saturdays at: NTC Club Dedinje, Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića 38:
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – junior group 5+
11:30 a.m. – 01:00 p.m. senior group 7+

Read more: https://ntcucenje.com/ntc-dramske-radionice/


Online trainings for parents are held every month. The club members get 50% discount on all online seminars by Dr Ranko Rajović. All you need to do is email us and we will send you a discount code. Read more about the trainings and seminars: https://ntcucenje.com/shop/ 


To receive an offer to enrol your child to the NTC club, please fill in the following form:


Telephone: +381 62 325238

E-mail: info@ntclearning.com

Location: NTC Club Dedinje 


NTC Club Dedinje - kindergarten of the future
NTC Programme – Learning through moving, thinking and turning
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